This is my first blog! It is a new year and I am taking this idea from my sister in law Shalyn. I am going to BLOG! I'm mainly doing this to just chronicle the craziness that is my life. Things that are said in my class. Things that are said by my kids. And of course my own musings on world events. I am not a writer by any means. For the time being I teach kindergarten so I tend to write like a kindergartener.
AS of right now we are getting ready for New Years. We are having a very low key evening. I have good food planned and my lovely friend Nadia is coming over to ring in the New Year! Is it wierd that I am really looking forward to just sitting around drinking champagne and eating super sugary foods with my family? I do go out every blue moon. But I have to admit that my little characters are much better company then crabby people at restaurants. Isaac and I did got out last night to celebrate his birthday. We kind of quietly had a date. Well it was sorta quiet I posted on Facebook some of our ridiculous exploits. I'm really not very good at keeping quiet, especially when I'm happy. Isaac and I always have a good time together. Our sense of humor is the same and we are very good at entertaining each other. We like to drink, eat and dance and we are not shy about any of those things.
Anyways I go back to reality on Monday and get to listen to what all my students have done over their holiday break. It makes for some interesting stories. They all have their own personalities and so do their families. For now here is my first blog. I hope I get better or else this is going to be a long year.