I thought I would compile a list of random facts about myself to either bore you or creep you out about me. Here it goes...
1. I was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
2. I LOVE donuts and peanut butter.
3. Daisies are my favorite flower.
4. Yellow is my favorite color.
5. I'm a horrible person to shop for because I never really want anything.
6. I sleep with a blanket that I have had since I was little.
7. I had 2 surgeries before I was 6. 1)appendix 2)eyes, I had a lazy eye.
8. I can name pretty much any actor in a movie. A crazy talent that freaks out most.
9. I love impressionist, especially Van Gogh and Monet.
10. I always sleep in socks because I hate having cold feet.
11. I never leave the house without mascara on.
12. I rarely ever cry. I hate doing it.
13. I don't like to shop for clothes.
14. I'm scared to DEATH of the dentist.
15. I love Las Vegas!
16. I don't like doing yard work.
17. I can't sing.
18. I love to dance and I am not shy about doing it.
19. I hate it when Isaac has a scruffy face because it hurts to kiss him.
20. I'm not a natural blond...surprise surprise
21. I like looking at pictures but hate taking them.
22. I want to go to Ireland.
23. I'm proud of my husband.
24. I have great intentions but a horrible follow through.
25. I love my kids more then anything in the world and would give up of everything for them.
SO this is me <3
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