Spring is a wonderful season for weather. It is warming up the birds are chirping, it's lovely. Except when you are a teacher. Spring is almost as bad as fall. In the spring not only is the season changing but so are the children. They now think that they know everything they need to know for that grade. Yes even my sweet kinders have turned into know it all, arrogant. "Why are we doing this AGAIN!!!" pain in my asses. In the fall you break the bad habits they acquired at home and get rid of the baby me attitude. In the winter they are great. Eager to learn and the baby me attitude is pretty much gone. Then comes spring...Oh how I dread it. They now have the confidence to have an attitude the size of China trapped in their now 6 year old body. And let me tell you my class has been taught the art of the cursing insult. I must emphasize this was not a skill they learned from me. Some of them have better insults then I have ever been able to come up with my self. They make me a bit self conscious about my own delivery of insults. The common zinger usually has a variety of four letter words that in my head I'm going why have I never thought to say that.
This attitude is not localized to the kinder level it does spread through out the grades. My class this week has been a revolving door of upper graders that have been "returned" to kinder for their behavior. Kind of a humiliation technique. Not always affective with this crowd. Not only are the upper graders showing their attitude towards school they are now showing that their hormones have kicked in as well. I observe this alot when my book buddies come to read to my kinders. At the beginning of the year the upper graders were attentive to my little guys and thought they were so much fun. Recently they come and the girls are more interested in leaning against my white board looking pretty and twirling their hair then read to my kids. The boys are more interested in laughing at each other and secretly looking at the girls but acting like they aren't. My kids are just trying to get attention anyway they can.
I honestly hate spring. Yes it is getting closer to the end of the year but, I would rather have my sweet naive kinders then my four letter word, "bite me bitch" saying 6 year olds. When I see them rolling their what used to be innocent eyes at me, I want to punish them like I would punish my kids at home if they ever DARED rolled their eyes like that at me. But instead they loose five minutes of recess and I talk to their parents after school about their attitude and choice vocabulary.
At least I can say this...four more weeks of this SHIT!!! I guess they were right everything I every needed to know I learned in kindergarten...even four letter words.
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