This week with my class has sucked. We had Monday off so you would think since it was a short week that it would go by fast...WRONG. All week long I have had ridiculous behavior issues. I don't really mind little things and try very hard to be some what lenient and patient. However, I am also a stubborn person and I get frustrated when I ask someone to do a simple task and get hit with attitude and a flat out NO. This pushes my buttons even more when it is done by a 5 year old. Here is the situation I had to deal with this week.
While passing out math worksheets I notice that little C has trash all around his desk from an earlier activity that he has not cleaned up. I tell him "little C you need to pick up your trash please." His answer "NO it's not mine!" I look at the papers and his name is on them. I tell him "Excuse me but your name is on them, they are yours. You have 5 seconds to pick them up so that we can get started on our math." He crosses his arms stares at me and does NOTHING. So in response with my own childish and stubborn behavior. I pull up a chair and explain to him that in this class we all clean up our own messes it is our responsibility. He stares at me and does nothing. The rest of my class has been sitting so quietly and in shock of little C's defiant behavior. So I tell them they can go lay on the carpet and read a book. They are very excited about this because they rarely get to do it. So there is the rest of my class laughing, showing each other the books they are reading and generally having a good time. Little C is still sitting in his chair scowling at me. So being the mature teacher I am (insert sarcasm here) I sit in a chair across from him and stare at him. This last for 15 MINUTES!! Then he tells me, "I will clean up my mess when they sit down quietly." Really you little stinker you think you can call the shots here. I look at the rest of my class having a great time and tell him, "They are going to play until you clean up your mess. This is my class these are my rules. You will not disrespect me or my class with your attitude." He then looks at me and says "I'll clean up my mess now." This little boy just wasted 20 minutes of my class time and my life with his attitude and he's only 5. Can't wait to see him as a teenager. At the end of the day I explain to his babysitter about our little stand off and how he refused to do anything. She says that he is like that all the time with her and with his parents. I don't know if I should feel happy about the fact that this behavior is not just for me or sad about the fact that he feels the need to shut down over everything.
Next week will be better...I hope.
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