SO here it is a new year 2011. However in my class it is the middle of the kindergarten year. We have been in school for 87 days and behaviors started out shaky calmed down and are now erupting into little messes I have to calm...again. I have been teaching for a while and I know that this pain in the ass behavior is not new, they're five what can I expect. However this year I have the "it's not my kid it's someone elses kids fault" parents. Now I know that little Jane and Johnny are perfect angels when they are at home...but it's another story when they are in class with 28 of their buddies. They are picking their noses, picking their old scabs, hell they are picking their shoes. They are pushing the limits of sanitation and their teachers gag reflex. All of these gross and annoying things are abso-freaking-lutely normal. As a teacher all I ask is that when I talk to you about these habits of grossology you talk to Jane and Johnny about not doing it in class. It is pointless to say that it is another students fault when it is your kids finger up his nose. You look foolish! That was the only nice word I could describe those parents as.
I know that sounded perhaps harsh. I'm a mom I have kids that are just that normal loud WILD kids. However I except responsibility for my little booger pickers actions. This is the first week back after Christmas break and I am already worn out from not my students but from their parents.
On another note when I asked my class what their favorite thing they did over Christmas break was most told me about presents or parties. Then there was little M, he said that his favorite thing about Christmas break was that his mom and dad went to the movies. I said "Did you go with them?" he said, "Nope they went by themselves." He was so happy that they had a good time even if it was without him. Sometimes I hear things that make me smile. :) I prefer those days.
Thanks for letting me vent :)
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