Yesterday Isaac and I went to the KROQ Weenie Roast. If you don't know what that is let me explain. KROQ is a radio station and this is a big concert they put on in the summer with a bunch of different bands. This years line up sparked my interest because there were a lot of bands that I REALLY like.
This was the line up for the day:

2:00 Young the Giant
2:30 Foster the People
3:00 Lykke Li
3:30 The Airborne Toxic Event
4:00 Neon Trees
These bands were playing on the smaller stage. Isaac and I sat in the grass under a tree and drank beer and listened to Foster the People and people watched. It was wonderful! It made me think people need mirrors and to know their true size in clothes. Also Spandex is NEVER ok to wear...NEVER!
After Foster the People we wondered around all of the booths. They were giving away all kinds of free stuff. We found the most amazing tent. It had about 20 hammocks, misters, and was shaded. Isaac and I swung in our hammock for 20 fantastic minutes. We were very refreshed and went around to see all of the other booths. We came across the interview stage that had Stryker (a DJ from KROQ) interviewing the bands. He was killing time before Face to Face came out by giving away tickets to other concerts. He would ask questions and basically he gave them to who he wanted to give them to. Isaac and I wanted to see the interview with Face to Face so we kinda pushed, shimmed and made our way to the front. As we were standing there Stryker asked one of his trivia questions for tickets to the Warped Tour. For some crazy reason I knew the answer and screamed it out while jumping up and down like a teeny bop. Ten other people answered as well. But they didn't have boobs and jump around like a fool. SO guess who got the tickets...ME. It was great! We walked around some more and then headed over to the main stage.
This was the line up for the main stage:
5:15 Face to Face
5:45 A Day to Remember
6:15 Cage the Elephant
6:50 Bad Religion
7:30 The Strokes
8:10 Rise Against
9:30 Linkin Park
Notice that all sets were 30 minutes except Rise Against...hmmm. I'll get to that in a minute.
Isaac and I get to our seats with our refreshing beverage. :) And screamed and jumped around and sang along to Face to Face. We had our own two person mosh pit going. We kinda freaked the teenage girl in the Strokes shirt next to us out. Oh well she'll be us one day. After Face to Face we realized we should probably eat since our liquid diet was affecting our sanity. Isaac got food while I waited in the mile long line for the bathroom. However while in line the drunk girl in front of me that poured beer down her back asked if I heard the rumor. I said "What rumor?" She said that the Foo Fighters were going to play as a surprise. I said "WHAT??" I love them!!!! After I went to my seat and blabbed the news to Isaac. The guy sitting behind us chimed in that he too had heard the rumor and he pointed out the time difference in the sets. I crossed my fingers and jumped around and sang some more to Bad Religion, The Strokes, and Rise Against. All the while telling Isaac again and again that 1. I LOVE Bad Religion and 2. I really really really want Foo Fighters to play. Low and behold after Rise Against playing for 25 minutes the stage went dark and a familiar tune began. IT WAS THE FOO FIGHTERS!!!! Everyone went BALLISTIC. It was AWESOME! They played for an hour and Dave Grohl is fucking AMAZING (that's right I said fucking he is that amazing) Then came Linkin Park. They are good but in all honesty they were crap compared to the Foo Fighters. They aren't a bad band but their energy was not the same. It's hard to explain you had to be there. :)
After the concert Isaac and I drove thru Carl's to get a burger because we jumped around so much we needed food. I had the best time!!
Yay for profanity on blogs! So jealous about the Foos and Foster the People.