Saturday, June 11, 2011

Swim Lessons

I decided that my little kiddos need swim lessons. They both have no fear of water and have both just jumped in for the hell of it on numerous occassions. Jacob has no problem with his little floaties but, I need him to be able to swim without them. With Mia I would like her to be able to swim but, right now I'm just hoping for her to be able to get her butt to the side. That will at least get me time to get my fat butt in the water to get her.

So I registered my kiddos and got my sis in law Shalyn to sign up Gavin so the cousins could learn together. On Monday we went to the indoor swim lesson. They were all put in the frog's class. This is 4 students to 1 teacher. NO PARENTS Yay!!! I did not want to get my ass in that water or even worse in a bathsuit. We introduced the kids to their teacher and then he told us parents to go sit on the other side. We did as we were TOLD. He had the kids lined up and was taking them one at a time to show them strokes. Looked professional to me. He would get them to the wall and then he had the older ones use their hands to scoot to the stair. I thought OK this guy is smart enough to know that when it is Mia's turn he NEEDS to hold her...I was wrong. That MOTHER EFFer let her go and then turned around to get his next student. Mia looked at him and then just let go and sank!! I ran over screaming MIA. Then that dumbass turned around and went opps. REALLY OPPS!! If flames could have shot out of my eye's he would of been dead. I stood at the edge and watched him like a hawk. I thought I would be able to catch up with Shalyn and my brother about what was going on with my littleest nephew but I was afraid that moron would let the kids sink. The rest of the lesson did go well. Howver when we signedd them up for more lessons we put Mia and Gavin in the parents and kids class. Not a favorite option for me but I was not comfortable with the thought of Mia sinking...again.

Their next lesson we scheduled for a day that Isaac would be home so he could go in with Mia and I could watch Jacob with the teacher. Then that stinker hubby of mine got sick and I had to be the one to go in the pool. :( I dreaded it ALL day.

Grant went in with Gavin and I got in with Mia. Jacob went over to his teacher. At least his teacher was not the same guy as Monday. This time he had a girl and she seemed so patient and nice. I wish they had her on Monday instead of that guy. Isaac came and just watched. I hated being in my old lady to big for me bathing suit BUT I had fun swimming with Mia and Grant and Gavin. I look forward to the fact that next week I get to watch and Isaac gets to swim with her. Even sick his ass is going in that water. I am not putting that bathing suit back on. I am OK with going the rest of my life without putting a bathing suit on again. At least the kids had fun.

Hopefully by the end of the month I will be able to write about Jacob being an amazing swimmer and Mia being able to save herself from drowning. Fingers crossed :)

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