Here is my proud mommy moment. My awesome son is 5 years old today. He makes me so proud and happy. If you ever meet him you will love him. He is very social and smart. He surpasses Isaac and I and he's only 5. He is interested in planets. When asked what he would like for his birthday he said,...He's 5!!
He had a rough arrival into our little world. He was so big (and I was very FAT) he could not fit. I pushed and pushed for two flipping hours and got nothing. So they hacked him out. Not only did they hack him out...the epidural they gave me failed and Jacob went into distress. I was put under and they sliced me open. I hate that memory. I want to see him take his first breath more then anything. I woke up in the recovery area in excruciating pain. I wasn't able to see him until the next day. I hate that memory too. He was in the NICU for 4 days. They told me at one point that I would probably leave without him. I flipped out yelled and had a complete meltdown. They could not have been surprised by that reaction. I was NOT going to leave without him. And I didn't.
Now 5 years later I have the smartest little man. He is just the best son. He is loving and funny. Oh he has his moments of "JACOB WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!" But for 95% of the time he is wonderful.
Happy 5th Birthday Jacob!!
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