After the last few weeks of work I have decided that maybe I should start looking at new careers. Between all of the hoops I have to jump through to get my class to a level that really 5 year old should not have to be at. And all of the ridiculous politics that go on in public education. I need a more exciting career path. Now after saying that here is what I have decided on...ROLLER DERBY GIRL!! I would be awesome! I have pretty much all of the requirements. They are not that pretty...check...they are better when they are thick...check...they have some serious angry management issues...check...a good amount of ADHD...check...tattoos...check. I can totally do this. The actual skating part might be a problem but, there is a bar to hold onto. So really how bad could it be? They deal with fighting off a bunch of whiners. UHH hello I teach kindergarten the land of whiners. I would be able to have pink hair! I always wanted pink hair. Another bonus is I think that Isaac would support this idea. Me in fishnets fighting other girls hubby's dream...sorry to gross you out.
A few cons would be things like I bruise very easily. This is due to the fact that I'm basically translucent. Completely beyond just pale. I've never broken a bone and I'm pretty sure it hurts when you do. I tend to laugh in tense situations so the whole mad dog serious stare down thing wouldn't work for me. Another thing is I am a mom and have that crazy momma bear instinct when I see people get hurt I tend to want to comfort them. And the nail in the coffin for me to not become a roller derby girl is that I have absolutely no competitiveness. So I will stick to teaching and see where that takes me. :)
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