Ever since I was little I have always had a fear of scary movies. Yet I always wanted to watch them. When I was 8 I was at a slumber party and of course the thing to do there is to watch scary movies. The pick of this party was "The Exorcist". They didn't go on the weak side they went to the EXTREME. I sat there mesmerized and in awe of the whole thing. Needless to say I then went home and slept in my parents room for a week. I loved the fact that it scared me so much. I still have nightmares about that movie. From then on my parents decided I was not allowed to watch scary movies. SO they would watch them and I would sit in the hallway listening to it and asking them what was going on. I got in trouble every time I asked. I should have just sat and listened...live and learn.
Fast forward to my 20's. I would go on dates and of course watch scary movies. Just for the thrill and to grab the guys arm. :) With a similar result. I would come home and have to sleep with the TV on in my room. Then the incident happened. Isaac and I were living in an apartment that was cute and small and in the GHETTO. Isaac still worked nights and I didn't mind being home alone. I was still in school and ridiculously busy. One night that Isaac had off and we actually had 20 extra dollars we splurged and got fast food and a movie. The movie was "The Ring". Oh this movie! I have never been so freaked out by a movie. That little girl scared the crap out of me. I had seen "The Exorcist" and was not as freaked as I was about this evil little girl. As the movie ended I told Isaac we need to watch a funny movie to get those thoughts out of my head. He laughed at me for weeks. In fact he still laughs at me for being so frightened by that movie. Anyways as we were about to watch the funny movie we hear noise outside. A crazy man was jumping on his girlfriends car screaming about how much of a whore she was. It was 2 in the morning! That guy was pissed. And he added to my scaredness (is that a word?) .
The next night I tried my hardest to go to sleep. Isaac was at work and I was home ALONE. My imagination was torturing me. I did what I had to do. I did not go to my parents. I called my friend and she came to my rescue. At 10 at night she packed up and came to stay with me. I have truly the best friends EVER. I don't have a lot but the ones I have are AMAZING. She came and stayed and was the best protector ever. You would think that I would have learned my lesson. NOPE... I learned how to adjust to watching/hearing horror movies. I don't watch them because it is the images that I can't get out of my head. So I make Isaac watch them and give me a play by play. I have done this with all of the scary movies that have come out since "The Ring". All of the "Saws", "Paranormal Activity", and countless others. I still get that little scare but no images so no freaky thoughts.
This explains my Love/Hate for Horror movies. Love the scary story / Hate the visuals. :)
Oh my gosh, this is too funny! I'm the same way with horror movies. I basically watch the whole thing with my hands over my eyes.