I drive 30 miles to and from work everyday in traffic. I did this by choice because I didn't want to live in a cracker jack box anymore. My sacrifice for a bigger house was a crappy commute. When I first started this commute I had a little car and only one little person was riding with me. I upgraded the car because I now have two little people riding with me. In the beginning the ride was fine, talking and occasional crankiness from the two small ones. When we upgraded to the bigger better car I had no idea what a blessing it would be. The new car has two DVD players that play separate DVDs and if they want to watch the same DVD there is a button that plays it on both. I love these DVD players! They put a stop to the morning crankiness. Another added bonus of these two magical DVD players is that they are ear muffs to my small ones for my road rage. I have discovered that I am a horrible driver. This can be blamed on a number of things all of which I will yell at you about. I'm blind, I'm blond, I'm a woman, and quite frankly I'm really not a nice driver.
This is what aggravates me when I drive:
1. Don't cut me off without a blinker.
2. Don't ride my ass I will go 30mph slower.
3. Don't swerve in and out of lanes thinking you will get there faster. Half a car length is really not that much of an advantage.
4. Don't drive 50mph in the fast lane on a flowing freeway. This is Cali you will get run over.
5. When in bumper to bumper traffic don't try to be slick and drive past people on the shoulder. I will block you!
That last one is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I have blocked people and had them yell at me thinking I'm going to ignore them. They are wrong! I am not a fan of confrontation but when protected by a bubble of metal I will confront you. In fact I will roll down my window and scream horrible obscenities at you. Because really what are you going to do to me at that moment. You are obviously in a hurry to get somewhere so you are not going to take time to pull over and have it out with me. Although I drive in California the land of the drive by shootings I doubt the mom in the mini van is packing some heat. The cholo in the low rider maybe. Then again they are just cruising so they are not in a mad dash to get to yoga or Pilate's. So they are behind me not trying to cut me off. I think I've mentioned before that I have anger management issues. This is yet another example of that problem.
I know that maybe you are thinking what the HELL is wrong with me. I have small ones in my car. Trust me they are protected by the all mighty digital ear muffs. They are so preoccupied they have no clue what their crazy mom is doing while driving on the 15 freeway. The gift of technology, it protects against hearing moms road rage.
Great blog! I can relate for sure. Great writing!