I have a few food obsessions but coffee is the front runner. I love it! If it were possible I would marry it. Coffee is my feel good drug. It makes me happy and warm and brings back memories of my dad. I think that in the coffee world I am kind of a late bloomer. I didn't really start drinking coffee until I had Mia. She was my anti sleep baby. Really she still is. After I had her just to function I started to drink coffee and now I'm hooked. The night that Mia first slept through the night from 7 to 5. I got up and thought I don't need coffee today I got straight sleep. Oh I was sorely mistaken. I had a headache all day and I'm not kidding I think I had withdrawals. So since then I figure why give it up. It's a lovely habit to have. The smell is intoxicating and when you get that first drink in the morning it makes the fact that I have to go fight two monsters and get them dressed seem like a simple task. Like I said I love coffee. Now my love of coffee does not go to Starbucks. Don't get me wrong I like going there. It's just more enjoyable to have MY coffee. I want my house to smell of coffee.
This weekend I have a dilemma with my coffee. I am going to the mountains and have genuine concern. My concern is not that I'm probably going to be sleeping on a couch. I'm not concerned that my monsters are going to drive everyone bonkers (really they will). I am concerned about my coffee intake. How am I going to get my fix? AM I going to have to get in the car and drive to Starbucks at 6am in my PJ's with my two monsters? That will suck! I always make fun of people that go to the store or pick up their kids in their PJ's. I figure how can you not get dressed? Put on a bra!! Now I'm going to eat my words because that will be me at the Starbucks drive through in my PJ's with my 2 monsters in theirs. Oh the irony. I have to get my coffee fix. The carnage that would be left behind if I don't get it will be colossal...that might be a small exaggeration. Now to go and get my 3rd cup of the morning. :)
I know this sounds crazy but take some of that Starbucks Instant coffee with you! It's seriously amazing! It has saved my butt on several occasions!!! I, like you, NEED and LOVE my coffee! Always a cup in the morning and then most days a sweet cup in the afternoon! Sometimes even a glorious cup after dinner with a delectable dessert. Happiness is coffee.
Silly there's a coffee pot at the cabin....or we walk to the corner circle k that has delicious coffee of all varieties ;) Thanks for making me miss coffee even more lol