Every Monday I start off my morning with my class by asking them about their weekend. I am trying to get them to answer in complete sentences. You know utilize those teachable moments...anyways. On a normal day I get pretty much the same type of weekend stories. "I went to the park this weekend." "This weekend I played with my toys." (see the complete sentences) Every so often I get the random story about a cop visit to the house or a relative that has to go to "work" for 6 to 12 months. This week I had two superstars with stories that I went "HUH" at the end.
The first story came from little "X". He has an interesting family life. He supplies me with some very interesting stories. I think at times his house must be like a three ring circus minus the dancing bears and elephants. Although I could be wrong. They could be there and I just didn't listen to that part of his story. So this week he came in to class in a serious mood. I asked if he was OK and he gave me a nod. I figured he was exhausted from a long weekend and having to get up early for school. I began my routine and the second I said "Who Would like to tell the class about their weekend?" Up went little "X" hand. I looked at him and said OK please share. This is his story...
"This weekend I didn't get any sleep. My mom and my "Tia" (aunt) were mad and yelling." At this point I interrupted and thought he was done. Nope there was more.
"My Tia's boobies got bigger and my mom was mad cause she wants hers bigger too. And she got mad at daddy because he likes Tia's bigger boobies. Then daddy had to sleep at grandpas house and then he came home mad. They yelled a lot about Tia's boobies." I then had to stop him because now my whole class is going "boobies boobies". All day long that is all they laughed about was that one word.
After little "X" shared his story I thought wow that is my story of the day. Then little "Z" wanted to talk about his weekend. His weekends are usually calm. He goes to the store with his dad or plays army men. Typical weekend stuff. I wasn't worried especially because I was still in a fog over boobies. So little "Z" began his weekend tale. "This weekend I went to the car store with my dad. He saw lady there and she went to my house. I played outside. Then we took her back to the store. Then dad played army guys with me until mom came home." My response "UUUMMMM OK....let's begin our story. We will share more stories tomorrow." I didn't want to know who the lady was. Where she and his dad were I just wanted the sharing to stop.
I think that at times parents forget that 5 year olds tell all of their secrets. So watch what you say. You child's teacher probably knows more about your personal life then you would like. :)
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