Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fighting my self proclaimed OCD

I have always been what I thought was a ritualistic person but I think it has turned into an obsessive compulsive need for control.I have a ritual for everything I do from showering, to putting on make up, to sadly the way I get my kids ready in the morning and ready for bed. I never realized this until Isaac and I had been living together for about 1 year and he asks me if I know how OCD I am. He then proceeds to tell me in frighteningly perfect detail the way I get ready for work. My methodology of choosing clothes. Up until this point of my life I thought that I made random choices but apparently I was mistaken.

A few years ago I started to notice that my life during the week is very different from my life on the weekends. I know that this does not seem like it would be a great revelation but somethings about it kind of creeped me out. Isaac works nights so 4 nights out of the week I am a single mom. As soon as Isaac walks out the door the ritual begins. I start with cleaning the kitchen and getting stuff I need for work in the morning, lunch, etc. While I am doing this my little loves are playing/tormenting each other usually in their rooms or our loft. After this I give Jacob and Mia their baths. They are so used to my routine they know when I am going to wash what body part. I get them ready for bed we do our nightly routine of stories hugs and kisses and then they are in bed. At 9:00 ever night Isaac calls me to say good night. He has done this since we dated.

Now all of this seems basic I suppose. However it all drastically changes on the weekend when Isaac is home. The kids that used to play with each other are all over Isaac like white on rice every chance they get. Isaac takes over the nightly routine and the baths and kisses and hugs and stories are all out of order. The Routine I have created during the week is GONE. No bed time no order. OK so I have just come to a realization after reading some of this. I feel as though maybe I am right. Maybe I'm not too OCD but just a creature of severe habit. A sad side note is that my class is run on a military routine. They know when to jump and how high. Whether they choose to do it is the mind game I get to play with them.

Anyways...another musing from yours truly :)

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